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人妖 sm 英语毛糙句的五大基本句型结构:主语 说合动词 表语,主语 不足物动词,主语 及物动词 宾语,主语 及物动词 转折宾语 平直宾语。

  • 发布日期:2024-09-19 17:40    点击次数:53
  • 人妖 sm 英语毛糙句的五大基本句型结构:主语 说合动词 表语,主语 不足物动词,主语 及物动词 宾语,主语 及物动词 转折宾语 平直宾语。

    英语毛糙句的五大基本句型结构:主语+说合动词+表语人妖 sm,主语+不足物动词






    2.That is a kite.(改为复数句)


    【谜底】Those are (some) kites.


    【谜底】This is my sister’s book.

    4.They did a lot of homework at school.(改为申辩句)


    5.I have some books in my backpack.(改为申辩句)



    1.He is a teacher.(改为一般疑问句)


    【谜底】Is he a teacher?


    【谜底】When are you going to the zoo?

    3.Jim can help his mother with housework.(改为一般疑问句)


    【谜底】Can Jim help his mother with housework?

    4.Daming often goes to work by bus.(就划线部分发问)


    【谜底】How does Daming often go to work?


    ________ __________ ___________ ___________ the window.

    【谜底】Don’t look out of the window.

    2. You may let the children play the piano.

    _________ ___________ __________ play the piano.

    【谜底】Let the children play the piano.

    __________ __________ ___________ ______________.

    【谜底】Don’t drive too fast.


    用how 或 what 开荒钦慕句。

    1.__________ a good girl!



    2. __________slowly the rabbits run!


    【贯通】去掉主谓the rabbits run,剩下的词为slowly“慢地”是副词,考虑用how。

    3.__________ delicious the egg is!


    【贯通】去掉主谓the egg is,剩下的词为delicious“可口的”是形色词,考虑用how。

    4.__________ an interesting film!



    5.__________ pleasant weather it is!


    【贯通】去掉主谓it is,剩下的词为weather“天气”是不成数名词,考虑用what。



    考点一 英语毛糙句的五大基本句型结构

    1、主语+说合动词+表语。如:The bike is new. 这辆自行车是新的。// The hat looks nice on you! 你戴这顶帽子真面子。

    除了be动词外,还有下列动词:feel, smell, sound, taste, keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, seem (to be), appear (to be), look, become, grow, get, come, turn, fall (asleep, ill, silent), go, run, prove, turn out等也不错用作系动词。

    2、主语+不足物动词。如:He runs fast. 他跑得快。 //  We study hard. 咱们勤快学习。

    He swims in the river every summer. 他每年夏天皆在这条河里游水。


    He studies English. 他学习英语。// Children often sing this song. 孩子们粗鄙唱这首歌。

    (1)常用-ing样子, 而不必不定式朽棘不雕的动词有:enjoy, finish, feel like, consider, practise, keep, suggest, mind等。如:

    I finished reading the book last night. 昨晚我看结束这本书。

    She enjoys reading novels and swimming. 她心爱读演义和游水。

    (2)常用不定式,而不必-ing样子朽棘不雕的动词有:wish, hope, agree, plan, decide, refuse, want等。如:

    Where do you wish to sit? 你念念坐那处?// Tom agreed to lend me some money. 汤姆答应借我一些钱。

    (3)有些及物动词既可用不定式,又可用-ing样子朽棘不雕,但兴致不同。这类动词常见的有:remember, forget等。如:Please remember to post the letter for me. 请记着替我寄了这封信。

    I remember posting the letter. 我难忘那封信寄过了。

    (4)有些及物动词的宾语,既可用不定式,又可用-ing样子,兴致基本疏导。这类动词常见的有:begin, start, continue。如:We began learning/to learn English when we came to junior middle school. 咱们来初中学习时才启动学习英语。



    Please pass me a cup of tea.= Please pass a cup of tea to me. 请递给我一杯茶。

    Show me your new book, please. =Please show your new book to me. 请把你的新书给我。

    (2)把转折宾语放在平直宾语之后,转折宾前就怕加介词to,就怕加介词for,这主要取决于谓语动词。一般在动词give, tell, sell, lend, show之后加to。在动词buy, make, get等之后加for。如:

    Mr. Li bought Jim a pair of new shoes. = Mr. Li bought a pair of new shoes for Jim. 李先生给吉姆买了一对新鞋。

    Would you lend me your dictionary人妖 sm, please? =Would you lend your dictionary to me, please? 请你借你的字典给我好吗?


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